Beyond Earth Symposium 2024 At the Crossroads committing to a Thriving Future for Humanity in Space November 12-13, 2024 American University Washington College of Law Washington, DC

The acceleration of space innovations that will enable space migration is outpacing public policy and international law regimes. Beyond Earth Institute’s mission is to create a policy and legal framework to support the robust development of an in-space economy and the expansion of human civilization beyond Earth.

At the Beyond Earth Symposium 2024, we will wrestle with the critical current issues of the day and delve into the bleeding edge issues that must be moved to the center of international debate. What we do in a post-ISS era is an urgent, immediate concern. Policies that can foster the creation of a lunar-based economy are equally important.

Let’s be bold together! Join stakeholders from across the industry, government, and international sector for this third annual Beyond Earth Symposium. Momentum is building to transform policy and legal landscape to enable a space migration future. Dare to be part of this work.

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Mariangela Zappia

Italian Ambassador to the United States of America

The Honorary Chair of the Symposium is Mariangela Zappia, Italian Ambassador to the United States of America.

Our Audience

The audience will include 200 stakeholders from the government (US and international; agencies and lawmakers), the space industry (legacy companies, new disrupters, and entrepreneurs), and academia (space policy and law). Both top-level officials and executives, as well as policy professionals from respective organizations, will attend.

Government (U.S. and international; agencies and lawmakers)
Space industry (legacy companies, new disrupters, and entrepreneurs)
Academia (space policy and law)
Top-level officials and executives, as well as policy professionals
Press, including mainstream as well as trade press
Register Now


The LEO Commercial Space Station Ecosystem
Making Cislunar Infrastructure an International Priority
Insurance and Managing Risk in Space
Government-Enabled Financing Models
Identifying the Space Market Opportunities
Gaps in Space Human Factors Research
Large-Scale Space Habitats in the Near Term
The Future of Human Spaceflight Regulations
Competition and Cooperation in The Global Space Economy
Space Commerce in a New Administration & Congress
Space Sustainability – Orbital Debris & Space Situational Awareness
